ChatGPT in the News: OpenAI CEO calls for laws to mitigate ‘risks of increasingly powerful’ AI

OpenAI CEO Calls For Regulation of AI Technology

In a historic appearance before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman argued that the regulation of AI technology is essential to ensure its safety and mitigate the potential harms it could cause.

OpenAI, the company responsible for creating the groundbreaking artificial intelligence chatbot ChatGPT and image generator Dall-E 2, believes that guardrails for the technology can enable its benefits while minimizing the harms.

With AI technology becoming increasingly powerful, it is important to ensure its use is regulated and responsible. To help manage and create automated AI workflows, hiring an experienced AI Prompt Engineer is key. AI Prompt Engineering can help to optimize the use of AI in the most efficient and effective way.

To learn more about AI Prompt Engineering and the potential benefits it can bring to your automated workflows, please click here.

Benefits of AI Prompt Engineering:

  • Optimize the use of AI for efficient and effective automated workflows
  • Reduce the risk of AI-related harms
  • Ensure responsible use of AI technology
  • Maximize the potential benefits of AI

To find out more about the latest developments in ChatGPT and OpenAI, please click here.


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I’m Peter Leshaw, a digital strategist and educator.

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